Walk in the Woods Gala
View is hosting its annual gala, A Walk In The Woods, a fundraising event that celebrates the future of arts programming. The gala begins with signature cocktails and a silent auction... Continue Reading →
Town of Webb Historical Association Benefit Auction
Preview at 10am and bidding starts at 11am. June DeLair of Constableville Auction House will be the auctioneer. Something for everyone. For additional information please call 315-369-3838.
Fiction @ VIEW
7:30pm at VIEW. Written by Steven Dietz and Directed by Allison Studdiford. This dramatic play unravels a mysterious literary love triangle spanning decades and continents. It examines the hows and... Continue Reading →
North Country Stories & Music
7:30pm at the Old Forge Library with master storyteller Bill Smith & fiddler champion Donnie Woodcock. For additional information please call 315-369-6008.
“Stillwater Fire Tower – The Unheralded Historic Site in the Town of Webb” Presentation
7pm at Big Moose Community Chapel. Presentation given by Jim Fox. For additional information please call 315-369-3838.
“Through the Years at Fulton Chain Station” Presentation
7pm at the Thendara Town Hall. Presentation given by John Taibi. For additional information please call 315-369-3838.
Antique Wooden Boat Show and Fulton Chain Rendezvous
Awards for best historic, antique and classic categories. Sponsored by the Adirondack Chapter of The Antique & Classic Boat Society and the Central Adirondack Association.
Riverview Cemetery Walking Tour
10am at the Riverview Cemetery. Tour given by Peg Masters. Reservations required. For additional information please call 315-369-3838.
Triskele, All-female Celtic band @ VIEW
7:30pm at VIEW. Triskele, is an all~female Celtic band known for their stunning harmonies, singing the Gaelic language, and for their Irish wit. These ladies perform traditional, original and some... Continue Reading →
“Adirondack Storyteller” Presentation
7pm at the Big Moose Community Chapel. Presentation given by Mitch Lee. For additional information please call 315-369-3838.
“Faces from the Past” Adirondack History
7:30pm at the Old Forge Library. Power point presentation by Dr. Dick Lindsay. For additional information please call 315-369-6008.
James and the Giant Peach @ VIEW
2pm at VIEW. A Pendragon Theater’s family-play by Roald Dahl. Directed by Matt Sorensen, James is based on one of Roald Dahl’s most poignantly quirky stories. This is an adventurous... Continue Reading →